The following statement is issued in pursuance of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated legislation.
1. The policy is the direct concern of all employees, members and other persons using or visiting L-CAT premises as relevant.
2. The policy is regard to Health, safety and welfare of all employees and other persons using L-CAT premises as a paramount of importance.
3. L-CAT have responsibilities under the Act so far as is reasonably practicable to:
a) Promote standards of occupational health , safety and welfare which comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc, Act 1974 and all other relevant statutory provisions; European Community Directives and Approved Codes of Practice;
b) Provide and maintain a working environment which is safe and without risks to health, including safe means of access and egress;
c) Ensure that premises, plant, equipment and systems of work are safe and without risks to health;
d) Develop safety and welfare awareness amongst employees, members and other persons using or visiting L-CAT premises as relevant and individual safety responsibility at all levels, through information, instruction, training and supervision, to ensure their health and safety at work;
e) Ensure that there are suitable arrangements for the safe handling and storage and transport of articles and substances;
f) Encourage full and effective joint consultation on occupational health, safety and welfare matters;
g) Work closely with Safety Representatives, to promote and achieve a workplace that is safe and without risks.
4. L-CAT are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the policies.
5. Employees and other persons visiting or using L-CAT premises have a duty under the Act to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
Each such person is required:
a) To comply with instructions and guidelines issued for their safety and to adhere to correct procedures;
b) To co-operate with L-CAT in carrying out their own duties and responsibilities under the Act or relevant statutory provisions.
c) To work safely and effciently;
d) To use the approved protective clothing and equipment;
e) To report any defect in any machine, accessory, or electric cabling;
f) To report any hazard or near miss promptly;
g) To report all accidents promptly.
6. The statement of policy of Health, Safety and Welfare at Work will be monitored and reviewed regularly by L-CAT health and safety Committee.
This policy statement and the associated document about organisation and responsibilities will be kept under review. Please confirm to demonstrate that you have read, and do understand each statement and the action that is required by you and of your employer to safe guard your well-being and that of others.