called out by the emergency services and local emergency planning departments to assist in a variety of incidents.

Lincolnshire Community Assistance Team is a registered charity.
We provide assistance to emergency services across the whole of Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire.
Community Assistance Team
The group will turn out to assist emergency services and emergency planning departments in a variety of incidents.
A membership process and membership fee is involved in this along with a DBS either on the update service or one through us.

County wide response
No matter what the resource required, Lincolnshire Community Assistance Team are always available to support emergency services in a variety of tasks.
We provide assistance with sandbagging, evacuation and welfare checks called out by one of our key service users.
Adverse Weather Conditions
During adverse weather conditions such as snow/ice we assist in retrieving stranded motorists from their vehicles to a place of safety when requested to by one of our service users
Missing Persons
We assist Lincolnshire and Humberside Police in high risk missing person searches.
Road Clearance
In storm conditions we often assist Emergency Services in clearing roads to keep the county moving.

Skilled 4×4 division
From moving essential workers and equipment during periods of bad weather, to dragging fallen trees off the counties roads, our 4×4 responders are a valuable resource to the group.
If you have a 4×4 you’re most probably quite capable in using it to it’s full potential and would very likely assist in bad weather or difficult terrain. However, L-CAT has a backup system directly linked to the emergency system. With your 4×4 and skills and L-CAT emergency service backup what a formidable team that would make!
Why not join us to assist your community and emergency services in times of bad weather or off tarmac access.
There will be 4×4 driver training before you can be deployed with your 4×4 with annual refreshers at one of our training grounds.
This is your opportunity to make a difference and join Lincolnshire Community Assistance Team
The charity is solely run from donations from businesses and individuals alike. Every penny counts to help run our amazing charity and provide assistance to the local community.
BACS payments can be made to: Account no. 57578834. Sort code. 53-50-10
Cheques made payable to: Lincolnshire Community Assistance Team and sent to
7 James Court, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 0JY